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  • Writer's pictureJoana

Happy 2021!

The year that only has one job: be better than 2020 :P

I can't believe it's been a year since my first blog post. I definitely didn't write here as much as I wanted to. But I sure am proud of the writing that I did.

Like last year, my new year's eve was small and with no resolutions. While last year my mantra was: "The Universe will provide" (and it sure did), "Stop comparing myself to others" will be my mantra for 2021 and it be will hard to follow.

Comparison is the root of a lot of negative thoughts in my mind: I'm not pretty enough, I'm not successful enough, I'm not smart enough, and sometimes the worst of all: I'm not enough. To be honest, the older I get, the better I have gotten at managing these thoughts. Those feelings are not as hindering as they were when I was younger and less mature but it has to stop once and for all. And it starts with me!

As I was catching up on my podcasts this holiday season, I listened to Brené Brown's Unlocking Us episode with Sonya Renee Taylor titled "The Body is Not an Apology" and it just blew my mind. They talked about body shame, radical self-love, and social justice. But the part that struck me the most was about self-love. It's amazing how we're trained by the system to hate ourselves. There are billion-dollar industries built on people hating themselves and wanting to be different or look different. Especially for us women. It's a wonderful episode. I highly suggest you listen to it (and all the other episodes too....I <3 Brené).

We need to start a self-love revolution now! So I am making a conscious effort to love myself as I am, radically and unconditionally EVERY SINGLE DAY. I know it'll be hard because we've been trained to hate ourselves from a very young age but I know we can do it.

Hoping to start a brand new year with love and acceptance. Wish you an incredible journey in 2021!


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