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One-on-One / Small Groups / Online Classes


Meditation is a major part of yoga and, in my opinion, the most important one. It can be done apart from asanas (postures) by any person in any level of fitness. 

Hatha Yoga

In Hatha, you use asanas (postures) to calm the mind and exercise the body. In doing so, you get stronger, more flexible, and more balanced. Each pose is achieved separate from the others. 

Vinyasa Yoga

Vinyasa is also an asana-based practice in which the poses are linked with the breath to form a sequence. Your body moves as your breath moves.  

Relaxing Yoga

Relaxing Yoga is a wonderful practice if you need a break or are recovering from injuries. Poses are propped with blocks, pillows, and blankets to improve relaxation.

Prenatal Yoga


In Prenatal Yoga, you will breathe, exercise, and connect according to each phase of your body's transformation. It helps you stay in touch with both your body's needs and the baby's. 

Mommy and me Yoga

For moms who do not have time (or do not want) to stay away from babies but still would like to enjoy the wonderful benefits of yoga. The class is tailored to get your body what it needs while you enjoy the connection with your baby.

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